94 Barcode Numbers
What do 94 Barcode Numbers Represent?
Barcode numbers beginning with 94 are the barcode numbers that come directly from GS1 NZ. The ONLY legal way to get numbers starting with 940-949 is to join GS1-NZ. This means completing their membership forms, paying a joining fee and annual membership fees to GS1. This is VERY expensive. GS1 only license the numbers to you. You have to pay their annual fees every year for the rest of your product life. All 940-949 barcode numbers tell you is that the barcode is rented from GS1 New Zealand.
Many people mistakenly believe that the first few digits of the barcode shows the country of origin of the product. However, the barcode number says NOTHING accurate about the country of origin of the product. The only thing that these first few digits show is the country of origin of the number. So in reality, products that come from NZ can have any barcode number on them.
If you want to demonstrate that your product is made in NZ, then the best way to do this is to print “Made in NZ” or similar on the product. This is an advertising claim and must be provable if challenged. (Some manufacturers also print “Made in NZ” directly above the barcode to help customers).
Origin Myth
The myth of the barcode number showing the country of origin of the product is old and has been thoroughly debunked. Please see this Snopes article on the origins of this myth as well as a debunking of it.
All barcodes and barcode systems are designed for international use, so there are virtually no restrictions based on the country of origin world wide. Any specific examples of stores placing any type of restrictions on barcodes can be seen here.
We are a member of an international network of barcode sellers that have customers in more than 120 countries using our barcodes without any problems.